CUSTOM Embroidered Circuit Boards:
unique designs created just for you


So you want a custom embroidered circuit board: Congratulations, you are in the right spot to find out how you can get one!

The process starts with CONTACTING ME to let me know what you want your board to depict &/or say.

You can be as specific or as vague as you’d like: you can send me an image file and say “I want this on a circuit board” (though it is often may not be possible to reproduce the image to your standards due to constraints of size & format) or you can say “I’d like an image of a pink spaceship” or “I’d like something to do with outerspace” or even just “I’d like something to give to my sister for her birthday. She likes Terry Pratchett and WoW and is into sea-mammals like whales or manatees. Her favorite color is purple.” *

If you have a strict price limit, please let me know that too.

Prices can range anywhere from $20-$280+ depending on the size and complexity of the design, and whether or not you want your design to be exclusive.**

After you contact me, I will respond with some possible design ideas and associated prices, and you can let me know if you like any of the options and whether you want me to move forward on any of them. If you want to move forward, I will start refining the design idea of your preference into an actual pattern. I will send you updates along the way and you can ask for various changes or refinements.

Functional LEDs are a new feature that is now being offered as well. I have Red, Yellow, White, Blue and Green available. If interested in other, special LEDs, let me know and I can add the cost of their purchase to your order. Right now, boards with LEDs will come with a round black battery case with switch attached to the front to turn the LEDs on or off. They will require 2 CR2032 3V Lithium button batteries. (I cannot provide these for you due to shipping regulations.)

Decorative resistors, capacitors, transistors, and fuses are now also available.

To see an example of a custom embroidered circuitboard with both a functional LED and a decorative resistor/transistor/capacitor/fuse border please see HERE.

All circuit boards come matted and framed by default, with the exception of hanging ornaments, keychains, and the possible exception of LED-enhanced boards.


*Of course the best way to understand what the interactive process of designing a custom work together is like - what your role in that process might be like and how the piece evolves in response to your feedback - is to see an actual example of a commission's journey from the very first step of initial inquiry through the various stages of design concept to design construct to refined pattern, implementation, and detail consultation. Lucky for you, I have a client who has graciously given me permission to share with you a record of our correspondence, including draft image files. Click HERE to witness step by step how a real-world commission process played out.

**Exclusive designs are ones I promise never to re-create for anyone else. Non-exclusive designs do not come with that promise. I reserve the right to show a photograph of EITHER type of design on my flickr account, although that too can be negotiable.